Wednesday 9 October 2013


Lately I've been missing the states - NYC in particular - and I feel so stuck.

Currently I'm in school studying small business which I'm not totally buzzed about and it seems like everyone I'm surrounded with has no sense of wanderlust like I do. We constantly talk about starting a business but we're encouraged to stay where we are and that was never my plan. I already feel done with this city: I'd planned to travel after finishing high school but the money part of it didn't work out. I realize now that starting a business would lock me down to one place for quite some time. It could be years before I have my foot in the door enough to hire employees and get some time off. This scares me, I never dreamed of being in one place for too long and definitely not putting roots down before even getting a chance to venture out into the world.
This summer I travelled more and farther than I'd ever done (I did a whole blog post about it in back in August) and now I've caught the bug. We moved through each destination so fast that any extended period of time spent sat still seemed wasted. I could be seeing so many cool places and sights and exploring so many cultures right now but I'm sat in my bedroom in the house I've lived in my entire life, going to school no more than a 5 minute car ride away.
Maybe if I was having a better time in school I wouldn't be looking at it this way, but that's not the case.
I miss trying different foods and living out of a suitcase. I miss finally laying my eyes on things I'd seen in magazines.
For a few weeks back in the spring, I'd considered pursuing a career in travel writing after reading a few of Bill Bryson's novels.
I can't figure out what I want to do with my life and I was it were easier. I wish money wasn't an issue.
To quote The Perfect Man; "I'm sick of these people and I want new ones."