Friday 4 October 2013

New Leaf

Last month I turned eighteen, and that opens up a whole world of new possibilities! I'm an adult now. I played my first scratch card, and my second scratch card. I lost my first and second scratch card. I can vote, so I should probably start paying attention to politics, I can see 18A movies by myself. I can get a tattoo or a piercing without parental permission. And I did! I got a tattoo this past Wednesday (and I'll make a whole post about it eventually) and I might just get my lip pierced by the time this year comes to an end.
Yesterday I dyed my hair red (a little different from my natural brown) because I felt like it. About a week ago my grandma asked my why I'd never dyed my hair red and I couldn't come up with an excuse so I thought, why not? And now I have red hair.
I'm trying to be more social now that I'm in college. I've been getting up every day at 9AM whether or not I have something to do, which I never did in high school.
"I'll never change, but I'll never stay the same"