Wednesday 23 October 2013


So I'm on a break from school at the moment, and I've kind of forgotten about all of my responsibilities.
I've been sleeping in (slightly, I woke up at 10 which used to be early for me but I think I'm getting old) and lounging around all day. Today I remembered that "oh yeah, I have a bunch of assignments due next week that I haven't started yet" and now I'm feeling overwhelmed. I've just looked at all the work I have to do, and individually they shouldn't take me to long and so my brain automatically thinks, "ok, this shouldn't take more than an hour, I'll do it closer to the deadline" instead of a smarter, "this should only take an hour. if I do it now I won't have to worry anymore."
The thing is, I've already written off today as a lazy day because I slept in. To be productive I usually wake up at 9, get dressed, catch up on fun stuff (YouTube videos, blog posts), eat breakfast, and then get cracking. I like to do my homework early in the morning or late at night, and it's now 1pm so I can't consider it "early" or "late" so I'm just sitting here refreshing Tumblr instead of doing anything useful.
Even just thinking about doing assignments right now is bumming me out, this week was supposed to be restful but I just feel like I'm wasting so much time procrastinating. I function better when I'm in school and I have a schedule, when I have all the time in the world, I'm less likely to get anything done.