Saturday 26 October 2013

The Tattoo Post

I promised this a bit ago, and I've finally got a picture post-healing so we're set to dive right into this!

Here's the first shot, as you may be able to see, it's a frowny face. But not just any frowny face, no. It's the frowny face used on The Summer Set's album art for their 2011 release, Everything's Fine.
I can't explain why, but this image has been stuck in my head for 2 years. I'm a fan of sarcasm and irony, and that's what is going on here. The album is called everything's fine, but the chosen symbol was a frown. Whether it means "I'm saying everything's fine, but it's not," or "I may be frowning but it's all good" doesn't matter. 
I didn't get it because I loved the album (even though I did), I got it because I liked the way it looked. End of.
I suppose if I was speaking to someone in my family that doesn't approve of tattoos and thinks they need a backstory deeper than what I've just said, I could say "though times get bad, you have to remember that overall, life's good." At the end of the day, everything is absolutely fine and it'll all work out.
I'm in the works of deciding what to get on my right ankle - it's bothering me that I'm uneven. I'm thinking about the power symbol, as it's also a circle.