Saturday 9 November 2013

OOTD: Copycat

I saw a boy at school wearing high top converse with his jeans rolled up and stripy socks sticking out in between, so I wore high top converse with rolled up jeans and stripy socks (I told you I had plans for the socks).

Ignore the messy floor y'all

Honestly I can't make a good face in an outfit picture

I felt a little bit ridiculous at school looking a bit childish but honestly who cares? Nobody. I love this cardigan (thrifted) and I might just wear it every day from now on, it's so soft and it's black so it goes with everything, obviously. The t-shirt (Paradise Fears merch) is a bit ratty, mostly because I made it that way so that offsets the socks (Target) right? I don't know. I kept it pretty neutral and chose these olive pants (Walmart) because they are already kinda short on me so they're the easiest to roll up. I have purple high tops but black felt a little safer and I think the purple pair was at my Dad's. 
Added: I think I have too many shoes, there's this many and more at my Dad's, plus the shoes I keep near the front door because I wear them most often.
Also added: I like hanging my clothes on my rack lately, it makes me feel very stylish, like I live in a little boutique. 

Hope everyone has a nice afternoon, see you Monday!