Thursday 7 November 2013

OOTD: Life In Colour

In the 10th grade this vest was compared to Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat if that's anything to go by

Puppy very confused by camera beeping

Rachel very confused by neighbours making noise

The hack job on this vest (and the skirt, if you wanna go there) isn't something to be proud of, but it is not something I'm desperate to fix. It was a lot longer but it just felt like too much rainbow knit for my personal taste, and the rest of the fabric has gone to live on as an infinity scarf.
This sweater is my mom's (so is the ring) and wearing it seemed like the most convenient way of transporting it back to her house from my dad's. 
The skirt is a thrift find that I cut up, like I do with everything apparently. The tights are from H&M, and my favourite boots are from Target. 
It was arguably warm outside today so a coat wasn't needed, not that I was outside for more than the 45 seconds it took me to get from the house to the car to the house anyway. My hair is looking a bit orange so I got myself some dye and plan to rope one of my friends into helping me out with that this week.