Wednesday 9 April 2014

Thoughts From: The Finish Line

So here, we are - all that's left of my first college experience is 3 exams and a piece of paper that should arrive in the mail sooner than later.

I guess this is where you expect a whirlwind of exciting, drunken memories told with a tinge of nostalgia and wonder but I don't think I have any of those.
I was in a 1 year small business/entrepreneurship program at the college nearest me (20 minute walk, 5 minute bus ride) mostly because I couldn't commit to anything else. I did not go into this program thinking that I'd have the time of my life. I also didn't go into this program thinking this would be the last of my college endeavours. I just knew I couldn't go back to high school, and my parents wouldn't let me take a year off. So I got a student line of credit, a laptop, and sulked into college.
I think I made a post near September about feeling pretty crap about school, and that didn't ever really change for me (I won't bother looking it up, but if you wanna search through archives, it's there). It was absolutely not the place for me, I wasn't interested in 90% of the material, I was the youngest one in the class, and I realized I didn't really like the idea of starting my own business anymore, at least not any time soon. As for the people in class, I had a couple people that I talked to (more like people that talked to me, whether I liked it or not) but again, not satisfied. I didn't have anything in common, it seemed, with any of these people. I can't see myself keeping in touch with a single person from this program. I was surrounded by uninspiring, uninspired classmates and I was feeling crap about everything.
To get you caught up: I wasn't enjoying the school part of school and I wasn't enjoying the social part of school.
Anyway, onto the next one, eh? So we're done. I am going to be a good person now and tell you some valuable life lessons that I've learned in the past 6 months

  1. With my mind anywhere but coursework, I found blogging. This was good for so many reasons, I found a new way to get inspiration, vent, and be creative. And I have this other music blog which helped me finalize the next point which is
  2. I now know what I want to do. I think. Music has just been there this whole time and I never considered it really, but yeah. My music blog has been so much fun for me and - you heard it here first - I am 99% sure that I'm confirming my offer to a 2 year radio broadcasting program.
  3. It could have been worse. Looking back on everything I applied to last year, this was probably the best place for me. It sucked, every minute of it pretty much sucked, but had I committed to a 2 year journalism program, or heaven forbid, a 3 year business program I WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE OFF. (Actually, I can't be too sure about the journalism one. But I don't think I wanna do that and I don't want to waste 2 years of my life on something I kinda like and may not even be good at)
  4. You gotta wait it out, sometimes it feels better to finish something that you so badly wanted to pull the plug on. Just float around for a while, stare at the ceiling, watch the bubbles pop. Let it all sink in. This metaphor isn't what I thought it would be but you catch my drift, eh?
  5. Things end. And that is something that keeps me going through the worst.