Saturday 26 April 2014

Busy Doing Nothing

I know my 'snaps' are supposed to be a short, fun way to keep tabs on my life, but sometimes I think I just gotta write it all out
So I've finished college (for the time being) and I'm in a transition phase between school and working fullish time. So I've had almost 2 weeks of this limbo and when I look back I haven't done much but it's been nice. I've gotten myself out of bed every day at a decent time, wandered around the city, gotten things done that I'd been putting off (mainly my tattoo touch-up) and generally had a pretty chill time. I've gotten to read a ton more than I had in ages, been hanging around outside, seeing friends etc.
Things that I snapped but never explained:
I'm going blonde. Well, I'm trying. I've bleached it 2 times now (though advised to wait longer in between. oops) and it's mostly this light orange colour. I knew it would be hard because 1) my hair was very dark and 2) I had a lot of dye in it to erase. I don't have a clear idea of what colour I'm going for, but I'll know when it happens. If all else fails, my hair will be light enough to dye a crazy colour. Maybe purple.
My family has decided to go on adventures every other Sunday, so that's where those pictures are coming from. Since the weather has been fairly pleasant, it's nice to wander around places we've never been.
What am I doing with this blog?
Lately posts have been scarce, obviously. It's not that I haven't been buying clothes, or wearing cool outfits, or doing any of the things I had been blogging about, I've just been too busy to reflect. Some days I'll plan to take pictures of an outfit but then I get carried away doing other things. I went thrifting on half off day this week though, so I have a few new things I'm dying to style. I think I just needed this tiny hiatus to gather myself. Also, with the orange hair I've been wearing mostly grey (another reason I can't keep it orange even though my family is begging me: I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRESS). I still wanna blog about fashion and life and books, I just haven't.
Lastly, I've got some exciting events planned for this year as of late! I got VIP tickets to see Little Mix, tickets for Ed Sheeran, might be seeing Citizen on Friday, my sister's wedding festivities including the shower & stag + doe, and possibly going out East with my mumma. And One Direction's tour started last night, you know I was glued to Twitter - refreshing every 5 seconds to see updates and videos (the Toronto date is now in double-digits on the countdown!!!).
Some day I think I should have just done 1 blog, instead of a separate one for music, as I've been neglecting that one too, but I can't bring myself to do it. Take this as a promise to myself that I'll get back to my every-other-day posting schedule sometime soon.

Of course I'm on social media as much as ever - find me on