Sunday 9 March 2014

Sunday Post

Hello, it's quite late for me to be writing this out but I thought I would anyway.

I've had quite the busy week and it ended so abruptly now I'm sitting here with all this time on my hands and not much to do. Safe to say waking up past 2pm this afternoon was shocking but I think I needed the sleep. It was go go go for about 7 whole days and then I was thrown back into reality - a place that allows me to laze around most of the day. I spent Friday doing basically nothing, went to work for a bit on Saturday and then did nothing, and today I did nothing again. Tomorrow I have to get up at the crack of dawn to get to school for a field trip though.
Daylight savings is weird, so are segues. I didn't realize we lost an hour today but it's probably going to make waking up early tomorrow even worse. Will be glad to have some more sunshine in my life though!
What else, shall I talk about what has been stressing me out lately? For one, getting dressed. Tat sounds silly (and it probably is) but I always plan outfits the night before, especially when I don't have much time the next day between getting up and leaving my house. It eases my mind to know I won't have to make that decision while half asleep. The weather changing is throwing me off, I don't really know how to dress. It has been above freezing a few times now, and next week's forecast is almost all above zero. I feel like throwing my winter jacket to the back of the closet for good (until October, ideally) and breaking out the jean jacket again! But I know that 2 degrees is still not very warm so I have to dress warmly but not too warmly? I'm thinking either few layers and the big coat, or many layers under the light coat. Who knows. I heard the other day the UK was in the double digits and sunny? That's my dream weather.
Here's a picture of me in my prime last week:
Cutoff flanel shirt, Xs on hands, the whole shebang
Hope you had a lovely week/weekend!