Friday 2 May 2014

OOTD: Hi Hey There Hello

This is practically that outfit I wore to the Twenty One Pilots concert last week, with a few minor changes, so

Entire outfit was thrifted, again

Please excuse my hair it's literally a mess I promise I'm working on it... the space buns look quite cool though, don't they? I feel very quirky and in-tune with what's hip.
Let's talk about my new boots, thrifted for about 5ish dollars a few weeks ago. They're close enough to the trendy Chelsea boot to be trendy, but not exact. Can I also mention that a cute boy hanging around when I got my tattoo touched up last week complimented them? Yeah.
They rest of the outfit is pretty basic, because the hair is a spotlight stealer. The t-shirt is the softest, oversized thing that makes me a bit uncomfortable with the exposed back, but I deal. It's cute, even if it's wrinkly. My new favourite black jeans of course making an appearance (when I saw Twenty One Pilots it was warmer, so I had them rolled up with my tattoos somewhat visible, eek!) because they're comfortable as heck. And the standard Levi's jean jacket.
I've been loving this NYX lip pencil lately, when I first got it I thought it made me look gross but I guess things change!